Thanks for the memories, Minnov8 Gang

As a tech journalist in recent years, I’d periodically serve as a guest host on the Minnesota-based Minnov8 Gang Podcast with regular hosts Steve Borsch, Tim Elliott, Graeme Thickins and Phil Wilson.

That was fun, but the best part came after the show.

Steve, who is a whiz with image-editing software, would often insert my likeness into hilarious graphics that echoed a topic on the day’s program or something memorable I uttered as the episode was being recorded.

Steve at first was a bit worried I’d think he was making fun of me, and be offended, but I loved his handiwork and considered it a compliment, an honor.

I mention all of this because the tech-related podcast and its companion tech blog are, as of April 8, no more.

Yep…you read that headline right. After nearly NINE YEARS this week’s show is our last podcast as the Minnov8 Gang.

It’s been a great ride. We’ve had an incredible amount of fun, talked to literally dozens of guests, interviewed Minnesota technology leaders, attended hundreds of events, and covered Minnesota technology innovation in all its forms. It is time, however, for us to ride off in to the sunset as we head toward new opportunities and adventures.

About me, they said:

You will always be our friend and someone we are lucky to know and as a fellow geek, you have never been judgmental about our lust for all things techie, no matter how strange or obscure. Also appreciate that you, too, have never been mad about your face being stuck on some Photoshop image.

Thanks, guys. It’s been swell.

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