Joe Soucheray pokes fun at me


Joe Soucheray, my esteemed Pioneer Press co-worker and famed Garage Logic radio personality, had a little fun at my expense on the airwaves recently.

This is related to the time I brought some of my homemade sushi to work but forgot I had exhausted my supply of soy sauce. I sent out an all-newsroom e-mail asking if anyone had some. Several co-workers did. Problem solved.

Joe, though, thought this was heelarious. Listen to the start of the Garage Logic episode audio clip to find out why.

I can’t help thinking it was the “homemade sushi” part and not the soy sauce that set Joe off; stick with the episode for a bit to hear Souch talk about sushi, which he says he has never eaten.

Yes, Joe, I am a good sport, which is why I am posting this on my blog. And turnabout is fair play, I suppose, since I once had fun at your expense.

Also, here are shots of my homemade sushi (one, two, three, four). Here is the result of a recent sushi-making night with friends.


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