iPad Means Business

Apple’s iPad tablet sparked a new computing revolution, one partly focused on productivity, when it was released in January 2010.

I focused on the productivity part in my December 2010 book, iPad Means Business. As a technology and business journalist, I documented how the tablet was making an impact in a variety of work-related settings.

The book, though now out of date, remains a fascinating historical snapshot of how the iPad created a productivity upheaval in the work world.

The book’s site is still up (and still looks great courtesy of designer Gerardo Obieta), but it hasn’t been updated in a while.

This is the press release that went out when the book was released via Happy About Books, which like Apple is based in Cupertino, Calif. (This is entirely coincidental, but kind of cool.)

Cupertino, CA (PRWEB) December 11, 2010 – When Apple unveiled its iPad in January 2010, the tablet device was positioned as a consumer gadget. Work-related use seemed like an afterthought. Yet the iPad was soon embraced as productivity tool at companies and educational institutions of all sizes.

iPad Means Business, the latest book by technology journalist Julio Ojeda-Zapata, documents how the iPad has become a high-tech darling of the business and education realms. It tells the stories of tablet-wielding workers, corporations, schoolkids, college students and teachers around the world.

As a business book, iPad Means Business offers inspiration for any person or organization wanting to become productive with the iPad. In addition to providing dozens of eye-opening case studies, Ojeda-Zapata details his own use of the iPad at work, at home and on a business trip with no laptop in tow.

As a how-to guide, iPad Means Business provides advice on work-related apps, gear and methods, along with a road map to iPad resources. Ojeda-Zapata also interviews authors of top productivity apps. This book is an essential starting point for workers wanting to get the most out of their iPads.

As a bonus, iPad Means Business includes insightful essays by several tech experts. Readers will glean iPad wisdom from blogger and productivity guru Patrick Rhone, technology and new-media consultant Scott Bourne, and tech-marketing maven Mike Evangelist (who used to work at Apple).

This book is a must-read for those needing to know why the iPad means business.

Buy iPad Means Business directly from the publisher or via top online retailers like Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Borders and Apple’s iBookstore. The book is available in printed form and in a range of digital formats for computers, phones, e-readers and tablets (including, of course, the iPad).

Related videos

These are videos related to iPad Means Business. In the first one, I give a talk at Google headquarters (which was a huge honor for me). The second is a music video created by Chuck Olsen (visuals) and Terry Eason (music) to promote the book.